Sushi Is Bad For Your Health?

SUSHI is known as a healthy food because it is low in calories but rich in omega-3. But the study has found that, routine consumption of sushi will make the body more susceptible to metal,thus increasing the risk of heart disease. According to the study, raw fish is potentially harmful to the health due to the high content of heavy metals.

Mercury can cause nervous system affected if taken in large amounts while the mercury in food quickly absorbed by the body. Fish such as giant tuna, swordfish, shark or sardines have a high mercury content because it eating smaller fish. A studies by a group of researchers at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in New York, United States (U.S.) found that fish consumption contaminated with mercury can cause infertility and blood pressure. In addition, it also causes lapse of memory, trembling and blind while addition of rate of mercury will increase the risk of heart disease.

Results of the analysis of researchers from Rutgers University in New Jersey involved mercury intake by over 1,200 respondents. Participants were mostly recorded high readings were participants who likes eating sushi. They were questioned further about the amounts and types of sushi eaten per month. Researchers found that most of the participants believe that sushi will extend the life of them, but doubted that the mercury content in sushi is high enough to harmful their health.

According to a study Wexner Medical Center, Ohio University, USA, high rates of mercury associated with heart disease by enzyme activity in blood vessel walls. "In addition to the positive effects of omega-3, mercury pollution in fish sushi give negative effects such as low levels of good cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and premature birth, "explained the researchers. Monitoring Board of Food and Drug (FDA) recommends taking just two servings of fish that contain omega-3 on a weekly basis. source

Is really sushi  might not be so good for your health after all?
  1. The mercury in fish can cause problems with nervous system development 
  2. It can also counteract the positive effects of omega-3 fatty acids 
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce cholesterol levels and lower the risk of some cancers, heart disease, blood pressure, stroke and premature birth
  4. The highest levels of mercury are in tuna, shark, marlin and swordfish 
  5. There are lower levels in salmon, crab, eel and kelp
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