Pemain Bola di India Tiru Aksi Miroslav Klose , Maut Akibat Kecederaan Tulang Belakang.

Aksi akrobatik Miroslav Klose memang menjadi trademarknya apabila beliau menjaringkan gol..
Malangnya aksi beliau cuba ditiru oleh seorang pemain kelab bola di India dan tragiknya, beliau tidak berjaya mendarat dengan selamat dan mendapat kecederaan tulang belakang.

Pemain bola sepak Liga Perdana Mizoram India mati akibat kecederaan tulang belakang selepas melakukan aksi akrobatik meraikan jaringan gol. Peter Biaksangzuala, 23, cuba meniru aksi penyerang Jerman, Miroslav Klose yang gemar melakukan 'somersault'.

Perlawanan antara pasukannya, Bethlehem Vengthlang FC dan Chanmari West FC berlangsung Selasa lepas. Biaksangzuala, disahkan meninggal dunia selepas 5 hari terlantar di
Unit Rawatan Rapi Aizawl Civil Hospital.

News and Videos About GST Malaysia

1. Price of New Cars Expected to Come Down After GST

Prices for new cars are generally expected to come down by between one and three per cent after the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, GST.

However, the gains could be offset by higher prices of imported auto parts, due to foreign exchange factors.

Customs Department GST Director, Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy pointed out while there will be some savings, the biggest cost for cars is not the tax component, but the exchange rate.

Furthermore he added, no one will know what the exchange rate will be next year, as it determined by the market forces of supply and demand.

He explained that auto components are mainly imported from Japan and if the yen appreciates against the ringgit, the savings could be much less as the auto components would cost more.

The Sales and Services Tax of 10 per cent will be abolished on April 1st next year, and replaced with the GST, which is set at six per cent.

UPSR Leaks Latest Issue | UPSR Bocor Isu Terkini

UPSR Leaks Latest Issue 2014 | UPSR Bocor Isu Terkini

UPSR Leak - Task Force set up to Investigate UPSR Leaks | 12 September  2014

Police have set up a task force to investigate the leaks. So far, police have received three police reports in connection with the incident two days ago.

Two of the reports were lodged in Putrjaya by a senior officer of the Malaysian Examination Board and another in Johor. They are now in the midst of gathering evidence with the assistance of the Malaysian Examination Board, and the relevant agencies, in an effort to bring the culprits to book.

Kuala Lumpur CID Chief SAC Gan Kong Meng said in a statement today, investigation will be carried out under the Official Secret Act, which provides for a jail sentence of up to seven years, and a fine. Police have also recorded statements from three individuals but so far no arrest has been made.